30 May 2011


So I know I haven't been posting here regularly. It actually has been intentional. I have 3 blogs here on blogspot and have only been consistent with one of them as I really decide what to do with the other 2 and how I wish to focus them. So for those of you that are interested, please visit Join Me For A Cuppa to keep up with my free-form regular posts but keep checking back here and at Pete's Place. I promise that at one point in the next couple of months I'll start posting here and there regularly. Just need to figure out what I want them to be.

28 April 2011

So it figures...

It figures that unlike yesterday which turned out to be so nice, today is overcast and rainy. Normally I would agree with what a family friend used to say which is "So what? We need the rain." However after Mother Nature's overabundant gift of snow this year I think we have enough. Of course this year's feast could end up being next year's famine.

Actually it is not the rain. It is the light humidity. It is just low enough that you do not really notice that it is there until the aches and pains hit you and high enough to bring about actual rainfall. The big downside of this type of weather is that you feel constantly tired and just want to go back to bed. The upside is that it is only rain and not snow. Rain does drain away and disappear into the ground. Snow does as well - but only after days, weeks or months!

But looking out the window I see lots of green grass. Normally by this time of year there is still quite a bit of brown so this is good. The daffodils have bloomed and even a large amount of our tulips have not only come up but opened up. Enough have done this that several people who have come by the house have commented on that. Seems that most people are still waiting for their tulips to bring forth flowers.

Well - time for coffee and the paper.
Ciao for now.

27 April 2011

Hey there. How are things?

Well winter appears to finally be over here in New England. Of course that doesn't mean we won't still get some more snow. After all it IS April. However we can hope that it will be a dusting and not a huge snowstorm. Even with all the rain we will be getting it is better than elsewhere here in the US. So many people being affected by tornadoes, flooding, etc.
I'm looking out the window and just saw my first bluejay of the season fly up into a tree. It's sitting on a branch watching - no - standing guard like a soldier on midnight watch duty. Combined with the squirrels that are playing what appears to be a game of "Tag - You're It" the day appears to be turning out quite nicely.
The sunshine is peeking through the clouds sending patches of light onto the green grass and the temperature is a balmy 70 degrees F / 21.1 C. Not bad considering it was 32 degrees F / 0 C just a couple of nights ago.
Well - I'm going to go and enjoy some of this beautiful day.
Be sure to visit my other blogs:
Later all!